Friday 16 August 2013


Such an enigma is Nature
Her love soothing as spring's gentle rain
Her wrath hotter than lava

So selfless is her soul
Showering her bounty as season's pass on
Her arms, open forever, lending

Little are her heart's desires
To be loved and cherished by all
Taken for granted, forever doomed by greed

Saturday 10 August 2013

Life In The Fast Lane

Grab a cup of coffee
Jump on the freight train
Get on with the working spree
Slowing down, the only deed to be refrained

Life here, in the fast lane
Doesn't get better than this
Money, the only thing to gain
The key to eternal bliss

Here the days and nights blend in
Forming an unbreakable cycle
This roller coaster rolls in a constant tailspin
For this unstoppable ride, you better buckle

"Run! Run! Run!"
The word that drives the minds
"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"
Is the magical spell that binds

Friends and foes are lost in speed
The colors never set, they are all a blur
In this fast lane, no one pays heed
Even as towards devastation they are hurled.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Why Regret?

Why do we burden our hearts
With all those weights of guilt
Of regrets etched so deeply in our souls
Rushing towards the darkness that we ourselves built

Why do we regret
Those shattered dreams
When new ones can be sought
They are endless in our mind's realms

Why do we regret the loss
Of friendships that faded away in the chaos
They were chapters in life's storybook
Ending with every milestone we cross

Why do we regret the decisions
Made on an impulse, without a care
On the train to our destinies
A few unplanned detours we are bound to fare

Why regret the life we lived
Upon reaching the end
Mayhap we'll live it differently,given a second chance
But the Maker's laws for us will never bend

Monday 22 July 2013

Do Me A Favor And..

Let your words flow
Like a river full of dreams
Let those thoughts glow
As ethereal as the moonbeams

Let your heart love
Like the gentlest kiss
Let the emotions grow
To give the gift of the sweetest bliss

Let those soft lips curve
To form the brightest smile
See the world swerve
In a blast of colors for awhile

Set yourself free
Like the birds in the sky
Feel on your cheek the breeze
As heavenward you fly..

Tuesday 16 July 2013

A Feeling..

It is funny how sometimes
Even in the embrace  of a crowd
Your heart remains painfully lonely

Monday 15 July 2013

Dear God

Dear God, Wassup bro?? Lets hangout for sometime Grab some soda and a slice of lime Yeah yeah, I know you are busy But sometimes its alright to be lazy So gamble for sometime away Roll the dice and let them play Bro, I've got some management issues you see And I am impressed by your technique How the hell do you manage us so? From the mighty human lies To the downright petty mice? Don't you get tired of this unending business Of granting wishes and answering prayers? Take a break dear friend Everybody deserves one Hangout with me some more Lets grab some more soda, pass out and snore!!

Sunday 14 July 2013

A Lifetime Of Valentines

A lifetime of Valentines Have passed by us And a lifetime of them remain Having you here, right by my side I would live them all again The roller coaster of life Was no fun Untill you came along for the ride Since then it was a smooth one all along A few bumps thrown in in the side The sum of all kisses Would be hard to find But I still remember the first one The softness and the sweetness of your lips Under the golden February sun Your hand in mine is all I want As I did all those years ago The gentle strength of them is the force That helped me face life's brutal blows A harmony of the sweetest music We created between us A song that soothes the soul The melody of your heart's beats Was the one to fill my heart's hole I promised to support you In sickness and in health To protect and cherish you Till death do us apart Those promises, today, I renew As I gaze back On the lifetime of Valentines that have passed us by And all those that remain Having you here,by my side I would love to live them love, all again

Friday 12 July 2013

I Am...

I have hopes, I have dreams, I want to fly high, I want to swim deep, I speak many languages, Of love, peace and silence, I have been crushed many times, Yet I get up every time bearing the bruises, I give u birth, And at death, I am the one you melt in, I am a vortex of emotions, I am your shore in a storm, I am simply.... a woman!!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

For A While..

Let me breathe For a while The cloying air of depression will choke me All too soon Let me see through eyes of youth For a while They will be jaded and blurred All too soon Let me touch this fragile beauty For a while These hands will be shaking All too soon Let me dream For a while I'll wake up to reality All too soon Let me hold this day to my heart For a while Tomorrow will hurtle down All too soon Let me be For a while I'll have to join the crowd All too soon Let me live For a while This short life will be over All too soon Let me fail Just this once I'll be fighting for success All too soon Let me... For a while..

Thursday 4 July 2013

The Group

The Group
Have you seen the silent group watching the rather loud and boisterous group of students in the corridors of the second floor of the new wing of our college??? That group which is constantly being scolded by teachers for the mischief they are up to?? Well, I don't know who that silent group is because I am writing about that band of students which is loud and my group...The group!!
The thought that to develop a friendship that would last a lifetime in just two years seems to be farfetched. Yet the affection and friendship that has blossomed between us is bone deep. Life without these people seems impossible at this moment. The time we spent on the trip to Manali was almost magical and it brought us closer than we were ever before. It only served to tighten the bonds that were already strong ...making them unbreakable!
We are a rather large collection of people but the way our personalities mesh makes us appear as a single person. However if you pick up each member separately, you will find that each one of us possesses a unique and strong personality. It's a stroke of luck that such strong minds complement each other so well that even after holding strong opinions all of us seem to think like a single mind!!  The taste in music, books, movies and all the things you can think of is so much same that it is a little eerie!
At any time of the day you will never find us just sitting doing nothing. Our idea of fun varies from teasing each other mercilessly to just listening to music and talking. And do we do talking? We can chat for hours on just about anything under the sun!! We are shameless too. Just how can we let our friend who sits in the adjoining class pay attention to a lecture? So what do we do? We shout her name on the top of our lungs standing outside her class till the professor comes out and confesticates our ids!!! Now that is what we call fun!!
Have you ever scourged a mall for six hours continuously doing nothing but shopping? Have you ever just taken off to Marine Drive on a whim and had a wonderful time together just enjoying the breeze? Have you enjoyed 10 days of nonstop fun, are tired to the bone and still wanted more?? Have you thought of owning a place where you could meet with your friends in a life 10 years from now?? Well that is all that has happened and been thought of in The Group. We have already built up the idea of a place where only the members of this group will be allowed as it will be owned by its members. Ask us about it someday and you are sure to be blown away by the awesome idea about this ‘basement’ where there can be nothing but fun!!
We are always laughing or talking or chasing each other! Sometimes it feels like we move with the speed and beauty of a storm that others can't help but admire. Indeed we attract much attention of our fellow classmates though the meaning of those looks is good or bad I have no clue. And the truth is that we are least concerned of what others think about us. We are so busy having fun and laughing our heads off that most of the times we are hardly aware of the stares! Living life in the moment is the principle that is followed here!
It may seem that we are not open to new friendships or relationships. It is not so. Each member of this group has a life and friends outside the circle. Even in college we never hesitate to make new friends and meet different people. Everybody is a friend here. It’s just that we are closer! If ever you are to approach us with the prospect of friendship, be sure that you will always be welcomed by a warm smile and a "Hello!" by most of us! In my opinion this broad minded approach and this warmth towards others is what makes us special.
It’s not that we are all perfect. Each has come with his or her flaws and attributes. But these flaws are accepted and the attributes enhanced. A friendship that does this to you is a bond worth more than a billion! We all have made mistakes at some point in these two years. We have had our moments of frustration and tension between the members too. But these are easily forgotten when the moments and memories of pure magic and love overflow in abundance!  And where is the fun in living a colorful life without a few shades of grey? These minor clashes are what make us stronger as we understand each other better than before!
To be honest we live in a bubble where there is fun, love, friendship and trust. But we receive a reality check every six months. Some of us have suffered from the curse of KT's .And somewhere we are to be blamed ourselves for the failure. The support of my friends is unconditional but we also agree that the motivation we are giving each other isn't working in our favor. The encouragement to bunk lectures and not score marks in term tests of the college has definitely worked against some of us. We have to accept that not all of us are the same and some of us need to put in greater efforts to achieve success. I am not proud to say that this has earned us a bad reputation with some of our professors too.
But we have our moments too. Each one of has a talent that makes him or her unique. Some are good at dancing, some at sketching, some at photography, some are good with words and some have the confidence of talking to people freely. Two of our friends are even representing the college in an international conference held in Australia. These talents may not be well honed but are definitely appreciated and celebrated among us. The encouragement needed to make something of these talents is never short with us.
We enjoy are moments of tranquility too. Watching a sun rise after an all-nighter, just basking in the soft light listening to music while the sun dips below the clouds, being sure of each other’s thoughts without voicing them even once is what makes us special. With some real good luck we find friends whose presence we can imagine in our lives forever. When we see in the future we don't expect the bond to remain the same. Sure with the different situations and conditions that are bound to arise in our lives the bond will take new shapes and the direction of the friendship will change too. But the trust that whatever life throws at us will only make us fall deeper in love with each other is what makes us what we are... That is what us makes us "THE GROUP"!! 

You Are A Hero.

Wake up everyday Face the troubles Win or lose the battle Get up to yet another struggle Live a little today Unnoticed by those around But you are a hero Everyday as you are homebound Its in fairytales That heroes always win You live a reality Where at dawn a new battle begins Don't lose hope When failure stares at you You are born a hero Not thwarted by lost wars, few.

Love Under A Solitary Street Lamp..

Walking down the path on a spring night,
She went on in the shadows of the sparkling twilight, With loneliness as her friend, She struggled to put her broken heart on a mend. He was wandering down the lane, Having nothing to lose or gain, With thoughts full of joy in his mind, His heart, yearning for a mate, was on a find. The solitary street lamp cast a circle of glow, Around it the night swirled in a heavy flow, Under it they saw each other, The moment as sublime as a wayward feather, He saw her eyes full of sorrow, And wished to give her all the happiness he could borrow, His heart fell with a soft thud, Enchanted by her beauty as soft as a rose bud. She searched his eyes and his face, And found a love full of grace, The crack in her heart healed over, Filling up wid joy to finally meet her true lover. And so they came together under the full moon in the velvet sky, Their hearts full of passion taking a leap to fly, They fell in love in the dark swirling in a heavy flow, Under the solitary street lamp that cast a circle of glow!

Saturday 29 June 2013

A Beautiful Night..

On a beautiful night
Full of stars
Under the cool light of the beautiful moon
Sat a group of friends
With emotions pouring out of each heart
Like a river flowing silently 
With a gentle pace 
Yet having the strength to sail a boat of amazing ideas
And thus the boat sailed through the peaceful night
With the beautiful souls of the close friends
Sitting under the endless heaven
Living a perfect moment of forever
On that beautiful starlit night...